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Home | Case-Filing | Rules Home | Local Rules | Title VII. General Provisions

Local Rule 25.2. Submission of PDF Documents


(a) Definitions and Scope.


(1) Definitions. For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions apply:


(A) "Document" means any paper submitted to the court in a case, other than an appendix as covered in (h).


(B) "PDF" has the same meaning as defined in LR 25.1(a)(1)(B).


(2) Scope. This rule applies to all appeals filed before January 1, 2010 (i.e., appeals with a docket number beginning with "09-" or lower), and any other appeal in which counsel is exempt from filing electronically or a pro se party does not file electronically under LR 25.1.


(b) PDF Requirement.


(1) Counseled Parties. In addition to filing the original document, a counseled party must submit a PDF of every document unless counsel explains why submitting a PDF of the particular document would constitute extreme hardship.


(2) Pro Se Parties. A party not represented by counsel is encouraged, but not required, to submit a PDF of every document, in addition to filing the original document.


(3) Format. Each PDF must be text-searchable. A PDF need not include a manual signature.


(4) Submission of Paper Copies. Unless the clerk requests or the relevant local rule requires, and notwithstanding FRAP provisions addressing number of copies, a party must not submit a paper copy of a document other than the original.


(c) Email Submission. A party must email a PDF to the electronic mailbox designated in (d).


(1) Email Subject Line. The email must include the following information in the header's "Subject" or "Re" line:


(A) the docket number; if a docket number has not yet been assigned, the (i) the name of the district court or agency appealed from, and (ii) the district court docket or agency number;


(B) the party's name;


(C) the party's designation in the case (e.g., appellant, petitioner);


(D) the type of document (e.g., form, letter); and


(E) the date of submission.


Example of a proper subject line: # 01-2345-cv, ABC Corp, Appellant, Letter, 01/02/09.


(2) Single Email Per Submission. When a party submits a set of documents that are intended to be considered together, the party must submit the PDFs of all those documents in a single email.


(3) Single PDF for Motion. A party submitting a motion must incorporate the Form T-1080 Motion Information Statement, the memorandum of law, and all supporting documents into a single PDF.


(d) Electronic Mailboxes.


(1) New Cases. In new cases in which the circuit clerk has not yet issued a docketing notice, a counseled party must, and a pro se party may, submit a PDF to


(2) Cases Involving Only Counseled Parties. After the clerk has issued a docketing notice in a case involving only counseled parties, a counseled party must submit a PDF to the appropriate electronic mailbox, as determined by the two-letter casetype code at the end of the docket number, and subject to the following descriptions:


(A) ag, bk, op - - cases in which all parties have counsel and that involve an administrative agency, board, commission or office; tax court; bankruptcy; or original proceedings;


(B) cr - - criminal cases in which all parties have counsel;


(C) cv - civil cases


(i) - civil cases in which all parties have counsel and one party is the United States or an official or agency of the United States;


(ii) - all other civil cases in which all parties have counsel; and


(D) pr - - prisoner cases.


(3) Cases Involving a Pro Se Party. After the clerk has issued a docketing notice in a case involving one or more pro se parties, a counseled party must, and a pro se party may, submit a PDF to:, except that in a case involving a pro se prisoner, a counseled party must, and a pro se party may, submit a PDF to


(e) Time for Email Submission. A party must email the PDF no later than the time for filing the original.


(f) Corrections. If a party corrects a document that has been submitted as a PDF, the party must also email a corrected PDF. The email subject line must identify the document as a corrected version and set forth the information required in (c)(1) with the submission date of the corrected version.


(g) Email Service. A party submitting a PDF must also email it to all counseled parties and to pro se parties who have submitted PDFs.


(h) Submission of an Appendix. In addition to filing the required number of paper copies, a counseled party must submit and serve on all parties a text-searchable PDF of every appendix on a CD or DVD, unless counsel explains why submitting a PDF of the appendix would constitute extreme hardship. A pro se party is encouraged, but not required, to submit and serve a PDF of the appendix on the CD or DVD, in addition to filing the required number of paper copies. Each volume of a multi-volume appendix included on the CD or DVD must be identified as a separate, clearly-labeled document. (Example: Vol. 1 of 3 (1-300); Vol. 2 of 3 (301-600).)


(i) PDF Not Provided; Unbound Copy Required. A party who does not provide a PDF must file with the clerk one unbound copy of each document. The party may not staple or otherwise attach the unbound copy, but may use clips or rubber bands. When a party files only the original document and no copies, the original must be unbound.


Last modified at 2/3/2014